Legal Clinic April 26

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    The Lavendar Rights Project is holding another legal clinic, for folks that need help with systems and paperwork, or just need a boost to get started.

    From their Facebook posting:

    Friday, April 26, 2019 at 3 PM – 5 PM
    Lavender Rights Project, 2425 6th Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134

    Help with Notary, Medical Providers, Identity Documents, Resources

    Drop in during our Legal Clinic to get help navigating the process of filing name and gender marker changes on birth certificates (in and out of WA state), passports, state IDs, and more.

    We’ll have a medical provider available to provide letters, a notary to notarize any documents, legal professionals to do on-the-spot research and assistance, and information on how to access financial help.

    If you have any questions or concerns, or have an accessibility request, give us a call at (206) 639-7955 or email us at

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