Settings Questions

Homepage Forums Settings Questions

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  • #39925


    Is there a setting or way to make it so I can get emails notifying me of new posts on the site, or have a way to tell what posts are new and I’ve yet to see?

    Second question: Is there a way to send a private/direct message or email to another group member?

    While I wouldn’t have thought I would miss these features, I am finding I am missing these features greatly, and I think they might lead to more active use of the site.

    I noticed that in one conversation where it would have been helpful for me to connect two people who are involved in/had interest in specific advocacy work & keeping up to date on what was happening with Utah laws for birth certificates, that I had no way to do that while maintaining some privacy for the people involved.  I think the parent (not currently part of transfamilies) doing the advocacy work would have given permission to share her name with the parent here, but not probably wanted her name posted up on the whole forum.  I’ve noticed other circumstances where I’ve been disappointed we don’t have that ability (as far as I can tell) to private/direct message.  If anyone wants to connect (say like when someone asked if there were any trans photographers in Seattle that could do their family portrait), is there any way for us to do that without having sensitive information (names, phone numbers, etc.) posted to the forum?  Or if you just feel like you want to have a more private personal type of conversation with a parent you’ve connected with here?  While the yahoo listserv group had some clunkiness, I did appreciate that feature of  being able to message one another individually.  The one concern I can think of is of if anyone abused the direct messaging ability.  Perhaps there would be a way to make it so that everyone knows all direct messages are still accessible to site moderators?  That should help guard against abuse of a direct messaging feature.  Just some thoughts.

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