Struggling here, hoping you can point me towards some resources –
One of the things I’m struggling with is the identity question – How is it that the broader culture and the medical community (writ large) came to the conclusion that ‘trans’ is an identity that can be ‘declared’ and medically supported, where race or species (as examples) are not. I’m familiar w/ the chromosomal multi-gender research and the idea that there is a male and female bell-curve and lots of points in between, but I’m not aware of connections between that research (chromosomes are what they are) and an awareness of an internal ‘state’. At some point, there had to be a shift in the philosophy/ linguistics of gender that endorsed the current approach to treatment.
For example,
A kiddo says ‘mom, dad, I’m a girl’ and today that’s accepted at face value despite external indicators to the contrary. After a little fact checking, the focus of the medical community today is assisting in a transition from presenting as male, to presenting as a female (hormones, surgery, therapy, etc). As parents, this means that ‘supporting our kid’ is rolling with it even if it seems strange. Gender identity mismatch is no longer a psychiatric condition as it once was.
A white suburban kid could say ‘I’m black’ and that statement would not be accepted at face value. This actually happened some years ago in Spokane, a white woman pretended to be black and was running the local chapter of the NAACP for some years, the fallout wasn’t pretty. The supposition here is that you can’t simply declare that you are a member of a people group – there are complexities that validate membership in that group that transcend a simple declaration of membership.
A teenager could say something along the lines of ‘I’m a dragon trapped in a human body’ (we actually know this kid).
In the latter two cases, a behavioral health professional would work with the kiddo to synch their internal sense of identity with their external reality, there would be no medical interventions to assist a white kid in presenting as black or as a dragon.
Why is gender-linked dysmorphia and dysphoria not treated as a type of psychosis where racial and species linked would be?
Feeling disloyal and unsupportive of my kiddo, what am I missing? Is there a book? ‘scholarly research’/ technical paper? Am I just weird?