3rd Wednesdays of each month Oct 21st, 3-5p Pacific/6-8p Eastern
This week’s “Extra Credit” discussion (conversations that delve more deeply into a variety of topics) is God or Child? Debi Jackson and Aidan Key will co-facilitate.
For many parents, the
realization that their child is transgender or gender diverse is accompanied by
a lot of soul searching. How did our family get to this point? Can and how do
we bring this to our faith/spiritual community?
How can I reconcile my own feelings of conflict? This may be the time when we most need our
faith community for loving guidance and support but we could encounter just the
opposite. What happens when our cherished belief system does not seem to have
an accepting space for one of God’s precious creations—our trans child? God doesn’t make mistakes so how did I get
here? Share your experience with others
navigating this particular journey of heart and soul. Register over in Support Groups.