How do I help a kiddo that doesn’t want help?

Homepage Forums How do I help a kiddo that doesn’t want help?

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  • #40129

    Hi Fam!

    I have been putting all sorts of resources and groups and you name it in from of my kid (Andre) and they just refuse to look into any of it. Discord? Nope, tried by getting their brother to hop in and give them some motivation, zero. Group calls, nothing. Talk to school counselor, nothing. Talk to me, maybe. All they want to do is read and watch anime, attend classes as necessary, do some of the work (got them a 504 to help with recent challenges). However, they complain they don’t have friends and most people cannot relate to their struggle! It’s a classic – not accepting help, not helping myself situation.

    I know this is all hard, and they are just putting the pieces together. Anyone had a similar experience that can give me a few tips?

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