Need advice on how to talk to my daughter’s mom about hormones

Homepage Forums Need advice on how to talk to my daughter’s mom about hormones

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    Hi everyone,

    I’m looking for some advice about how to talk to my daughter’s mom (my ex) about starting female hormones. Apparently she told our daughter that she’s against starting hormone treatments, without saying why that was. I’m very in favor of kids going through the puberty that’s right for them, so obviously we’re going to have to have a talk about this. The trouble is, the two of us have never been great resolving conflicts together, and I’m having a lot of anxiety about opening a new one. I’d really like people’s tips and ideas about how to help her come to terms with whatever she’s stuck on as quickly and painlessly as possible.

    Our daughter is 15. She transitioned socially several years ago, and has been taking puberty blockers for the last year. After an initial rough phase, her mom has been consistently perfect with her name, pronouns, helping our extended family understand the transition, etc., so I’m actually a little surprised about the resistance to this next step.

    Anyone have thoughts on how I should approach this?

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