Advocating for All Gender Bathroom Option

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    Hello! My first post here. I had a great conversation last night with some of you families with middle schoolers and with a pep talk from the group, I’m ready to get more assertive with my kid’s school about bathroom options. My kid is at a public K-12 school in an old large building (used to be a high school) with likely many bathroom options (it’s new to us this year so I haven’t explored but I’m just assuming due to its size).

    Kids only have the option to use boy girl gendered bathrooms. I’ve asked multiple people (haven’t been straight to the principal yet but she’s been cc’d on the emails). The response has been that kids can choose what bathroom to use but there is not an option for non gendered restroom. In the warmer months, there were portapotties outside which were a crappy but temporary solution but they’re not there in the winter. I’ve asked if there is a staff bathroom, nurse bathroom, ANY bathroom that nonbinary kids can use and was told no, they didn’t have one available.

    I want to take this to the principal now and hopefully be more assertive and make her aware that this is a real issue and it’s not going away. My kid is also not the only kid on campus needing this accommodation. Have any of you had experience going to bat with this? I’m sort of terrible at writing letters and I was hoping maybe someone has done something similar and could possibly help me with my wording, ahem, maybe I could steal yours? or get some good facts to inclue.

    I’m happy for any suggestion as I go forward with this for getting a school to listen and accommodate trans kids. Thank you!!

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