
Our forums provide a safe space to ask questions and discuss a variety of topics. You must be a member and logged in to view and post in forums.

Welcome! Read me first.

Welcome! We are so glad you are here and hope you find the support and information you are looking for within our community. Forum…

Private: General Discussion

Got a new topic to discuss that doesn’t fit any of the subjects above? This is the place. As we use and expand the…

Private: Clothing/Binder Giveaways

Find and swap clothing!

Private: Schools

Getting support at school. Legal rights and protections. Strategies for manifesting school trainings. Schooling alternatives. Dealing with reluctant administrations and/or parent pushback. Policies and…

Private: Transition

Social transition: name changes, new pronouns, new clothes, hair, makeup, when to take certain steps and who decides. Physical / medical transition: puberty delay,…

Private: Tweens

A discussion group for parents of tweens (10-13 years old).

Private: Teens

A discussion group for parents of teens (14-18 years old).

Private: Young adult-aged children

A discussion group for parents of young adult-aged children.

Private: Mature adult children

A discussion group for parents of adult-age children.

Private: Young Children

A discussion group for parents of young children (ages 9 and under)

Private: Gender-specific conversations

Discussions specific to: Trans boys Trans girls Non-binary More than one way to be trans

Private: Medical and Mental Healthcare

Looking for advice or referrals for doctors? Therapists? Questions about insurance? Check out this forum. This is also the place to discuss autism, anxiety, depression,…

Private: Top 5 Questions

Top 5 questions asked by parents: How is this different from being gay? Did I somehow cause this? What if they change their mind?…

Private: Suggestions?

Have a suggestion or a question about the site? We’d love to get your input!

Private: Family/Parenting

Differing parenting styles. Sibling considerations. Grief. Finding support for yourself. Old family photos & videos. Expectations of extended family, friends, co-workers. Best supportive practices….

Private: Camps and other programs

Finding camps and youth programs. Things to know before you enroll your child. Sleep-over camp considerations.

Private: Disclosing to others

Sharing gender news with spouse. Disclosing to friends and extended family. Disclosing to faith communities. Disclosure letters and one-on-one conversations. Do I have to…

Private: Families of Color

Private: Research

Importance of family support. Physiological origins of gender identity. Gender cognition in children. Desistance myths. Discredited experts/organizations. And more.

Private: Legal

Birth certificate changes. Passports, Licenses, social security. Setting up “Safe Folders”. Travel. Divorce/Custody issues. Gender and precedent-setting court cases.

Private: Public advocacy/media engagement

Pros and cons of going public with your family’s story. Protecting your privacy while engaging with media. “I want to change the world. My…

Private: Faith/Spirituality

Acceptance and rejection in faith communities. Faith-specific discussions (Mormon, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.)