Kind of a follow up I guess. About a year ago now, I posted that we were seeing signs that might kid might be going into puberty. Pediatrician worked us in and said they didn’t think it was time yet based on tanner stage. We had another appointment 6 weeks later where they checked again and said no changes. So here we are, about a month out from my kid’s annual appointment and my kiddo, who over the last year has experienced some increased gender dysphoria about their body parts, is already asking if there is some other way for the doctor to tell which tanner stage they are at, without having to go through the physical discomfort that comes with the physical measuring of body parts… I seem to remember, from many many years ago when we have the opportunity to go to the Gender Odyssey conference that there was discussion about less traumatic options. Can someone point me in the right direction to resources I can give the pediatrician to push for a less trauma inducing option to check our puberty progress? Our pediatrician has been supportive and is ready to refer us to the Gender clinic as soon as they will accept us but she knows her limits that this is not an area she is an expert in…