Bicalutamide as a blocker instead of shots/implant for needle-phobic kid?

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    Hi friends,

    Our endocrinologist mentioned that in lieu of the shots and the implant, some patients have used a pill called Bicalutamide (a drug initially used for adult patients with prostate cancer) to prevent male puberty. He only brought it up because our (still pre-pubescent) daughter has a true phobia of needles and likely wouldn’t be able to get the blocker implant or the periodic shots without sedation.

    <font face=”inherit”> Our doctor did mention that 1% of adult patients experienced liver damage (which appears to be reversible), so he said bloodwork is recommended but not strictly required given the circumstances. He also said it is very likely she will experience some breast development because testosterone rendered inert from Bicalutamide often winds up </font>mimicking<font face=”inherit”> estrogen (I’m not sure </font>I<font face=”inherit”> </font>have<font face=”inherit”> the science right, but it’s something like that–here’s a link to the study he sent home with us: </font>

    W<font face=”inherit”>e’re currently looking into getting our daughter back into therapy for her phobia, but in the meantime, we wanted to see if anyone out there has had any </font>experience<font face=”inherit”> with Bicalutamide or if you’ve had experience traversing the world of shots/implants with a needle-phobic tween.</font>

    <font face=”inherit”>Thanks!</font>

    <font face=”inherit”>

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