Different households, different perspectives

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    Hi all,

    I am looking for some advice or pointers. My 10 yo son and I are preparing to have a discussion with his father regarding his interest in feeling and wanting to externally identify as female. Father and I were never married and only together a very short time before I became pregnant and we are extremely different. His dad is very religious and closeminded. Just to provide some insight into who I am dealing with- We dyed a blue streak in my sons hair and his fathers response was that he’d didn’t like it but he’d rather our son have a full head of blue hair because “boys don’t get highlights”. Needless to say, my child and I predict that dad will not be supportive of any transition or even the thought of our child being transgender. We have shared legal and physical custody and I am most fearful of dad preventing us from getting medical care/support.

    We’ve decided that we will tell dad together but I am just not sure what information I should be prepared with or what questions I can expect to get.

    Looking forward to hearing from some of you!

    Thanks 🙂

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