Gender Odyssey Conference CANCELLED

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  • #40005

    Dear TransFamilies Members,

    It is with a very heavy heart that we feel compelled to cancel our 20th anniversary Gender Odyssey gathering in San Diego that many of you likely planned to attend. We have been closely monitoring the progress of the new coronavirus across the U.S., and governmental response to it. Because families and their children are the heart of the conference, we are especially attentive to their welfare as well as the health of our all our attendees  – presenters, sponsors, volunteers and staff. So, while we are hopeful that the virus will be contained soon, this morning’s declaration of a global pandemic makes it quite clear that Gender Odyssey cannot take place in June.

    Our team is assessing whether we can migrate some of the incredible workshops lined up for conference to an online webinar format. All of this is in play as we get clarity on the full emotional and financial impact this change will have on our small non-profit. Gender Odyssey is like a family reunion for us, as well as an important way to keep our year-round family programs going.

    The Gender Odyssey team is deeply grateful for your patience and grace while we sort through next steps. We will continue to communicate with you as decisions are made, and encourage all of our families to make the most of our forums and online groups to stay in touch and get the support that you need.

    With affection,
    Gender Odyssey Team

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